February 10, 2025

Virtual Reality Panorama App v. 1.0

This is my Virtual Reality Panorama App v. 1.0. It is one of my first private Apps, what I wrote with Unreal Engine 4.

In my Virtual Reality Panorama App you can see your project in the form of 360 Panoramas.

In the top left corner you can see the icons “back” and “sound”. The Icon “back” gives you the possibility to go back to a landing page, where you can receive some information about the project. With the sound icon you can turn on and off the sound of the application.
In the top right corner are the “information” and “menu” icons. When you press the info button you can read some information about the active panorama, about the place where you are in this app. When you change the panorama, this information will be actualized. If you press the menu button you can clear your screen from the icons to see the panorama better.
In the bottom is the panorama navigation menu. With the buttons left and right you can move the panorama list and choose which place you want to visit next.

You can see some white points in this app. Those are connection or transporter points! You can touch them and visit the next place. Every point is a new place. On this way you can move in the project.

Virtual Reality Pano App v. 1.0 is written for now just for iOS and tested at iPhone 6s, iPhone 11 pro, iPhone 12 pro, iPad 2020 8 – generation and iPad Pro. The Android version of Virtual Reality Pano App v. 1.0 coming soon.

Feel free to commend, or send me a private email with new ideas for functions, or usability of this app.

Thank you for visiting my site and wish you a nice day! 🙂

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