February 10, 2025

DJI Spark

One of my hobbies is to fly with a drone — sometimes I am a drone pilot too. I am happy to have a small DJI Spark Drone. This drone fly till 50 km/h in sport mode. I fly till 12 – 14 min with one battery. Till now, I fly in Germany, Bulgaria and Japan. Here are some of my DJI Spark Drone videos!
You can see here my youtube drone playlist.

  1. Miyama Fishing Center
  2. Polkovnik Serafimovo
  3. Rodopska Shipka

Miyama Fishing Center

This is a small advertisement video about the Miyama Fishing Center (MFC) in Yagichi, Mie, Japan. I made it in a summer trip in Japan of 2017. You can rent a boot here and have a relaxed fishing experience at the east Japanese coast. You don’t fishing in the open Pacific Ocean. You have the possibility to fishing in the 20 km. deep Owase bay. There are many beautiful places and beaches around MFC. If you like the ocean fishing, you have the possibility to rent a small ship and to go on ocean fishing!
I took this footage in a typhoon time as the wind stop. I had just 10 min. to fly with my drone.

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Polkovnik Serafimovo

Polkovnik Serafimovo is very beautiful place in south Bulgaria. You can see their beautiful nature and houses in old Bulgarian architecture. I spend here a lot of my time in the summer walking around the beautiful and wild nature. Last 15 years come a lot of people back to live in this village. In Polkovnik Serafimovo lives a lot of foreigners too. I took this footage in ca. 2 hoers as I walked around Polkovnik Serafimovo.

Rodopska Shipka

The Monument “Rodopska Shipka” is a historical place at Srednogorets peak in Rodopa mountain, Bulgaria. It’s a very beautiful place to fly with drone, or just walking around. Take a look at this video and I hope you will like it! 🙂

More videos coming soon 🙂

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