January 15, 2025

City Creator v.0.9 (Augmented Reality App)

City Creator (Augmented Reality App) is one of my first private Apps, what I wrote with Unreal Engine 4.

AR-App at a parking place

My city creator App have two menu areas – on the top is the object menu and in the bottom is the navigation menu.

This App give you the possibility to choose in the object menu between buildings and street elements. After you made your choose, press the plus button in the function menu, and you can place the object in the real world. With the navigation menu you can create an object. After that, you can move, rotate and scaling the selected object by activating the move, rotate and scaling buttons. Unnecessary objects can be deleted by activating the delete button and touching on the object what you want to delete.

On this way you can create a combination of objects – buildings, lamps, trees and other streets elements and discuss them with your coworkers. You can change the building. You can change the position of your favored building, or the place of future trees, lamps etc.

With my augmented reality city creator app, you can see your project in compactly new daylight 🙂

AR-App at a tenis table

At the pics 2 and 3 you can see another combination of buildings at a table tennis place.

AR-App at a tenis table 2

You have the possibility to feel yourself in your future project, to go under the new streetlamps and look at your new building with the original environment. This can be an impressive feeling for every architect and every person, who want to see his house before it get built!

AR-App under streetlamp
AR-App and main building

This is just a demo version of my app and for it, I used the beautiful free models from Kitbash Neo City. You can visit the Kitbash website here and check their other products.

City Creator (Augmented Reality App) is written for now just for Android and tested at Samsung Tab A7 and Galaxy Tab A 8.0 Wi-Fi. The iOS version of City Creator coming soon.

Feel free to commend, or send me a private email with new ideas for functions, or usability of this app.

Thank you for visiting my site and wish you a nice day! 🙂

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9 thoughts on “City Creator v.0.9 (Augmented Reality App)

    1. Hello Bryan,

      Thank you very much for visiting my site.
      Yes, it is possible to create Harlem in New York. I need just Harlem specifically elements like Houses and street Elements. You can write me an E-Mail if you have some Ideas.

      Wish you a nice day 🙂

  1. Tolle Arbeit Todor, kann man die Datei aus gängige Architektur-Sofware wie z.b ChiefArchitec in den App importieren?

    1. Hi Son 🙂
      Ich frohe mich, dass es dir gefällt!
      Es ist kein Problem Fbx- und Obj-Daten zu benutzen. Ich wiss nicht, ob man FBX von Chief Architec exportieren kann, aber ich vermute schon. Wenn ich diese Daten bekomme, dann kann ich die nach Kundenwunsch texturieren und in dem App laden. Das App hat noch keine “Load File” Funktion. Das kommt später … vielleicht 🙂


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